BEC-Akustik in the Hyperloop!

Hyperloop loudspeakers

We are very pleased to announce our groundbreaking partnership with the Technical University of Munich (TUM) for the Hyperloop project. This collaboration will revolutionize the future of transportation, and we are proud to be a part of it!

BEC’s innovative loudspeakers are now an integral part of the Hyperloop capsule. By integrating our Moritz 400-40 subwoofer and loudspeakers, we created a fully immersive audio environment in the Hyperloop capsule.

The TUM Hyperloop is an ultra-high-speed transportation system for passengers and cargo. It is completely climate-neutral in operation and thus represents the key technology for the sustainable mobility of the future.

The first passenger trips will start in July 2023 on the Hyperloop test track at the Technical University of Munich. Europe’s first full-scale Hyperloop test track was opened with a 24-meter test tube on the Ottobrunn/Taufkirchen campus by Bavaria’s Minister President Dr. Markus Söder and Bavarian State Minister for Science and the Arts Markus Blume. The Hyperloop capsule is fully certified for passenger operation.

When we embark on this incredible journey, we are not just creating ambient sound, we are shaping the future. Take a look at the passenger module with a full interior. These photos give an idea of what the Hyperloop journey of the future will look like and set new standards in the industry.

BEC Acoustics is not only about high-quality sound, but also about innovation, progress and pushing boundaries. By supporting and collaborating on this Hyperloop project, we aim to improve and create more sustainable, convenient and efficient ways to travel around the world.

If you want to make the future as exciting as we do, don’t hesitate to get in touch. At BEC, we believe that collaboration is the key to innovation and progress.

Let’s work together and explore the possibilities together

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